Government Housing Bank Head office Modernizes Customer Experience with CAYIN Digital Signage

Government Housing Bank Head office Modernizes Customer Experience with CAYIN Digital Signage

Government Housing Bank (GH Bank), located in Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok) City, Thailand, is a government housing bank that assists people with mortgages and loans of land and housing with low-interest rates.

GH Bank head office looks to stay ahead of the modernization curve by implementing digital signage technology to streamline customer flow. It has two primary goals in mind. The first is to clearly communicate information, promotion, and news to its customers in the branches, and the second is to show queuing system updates to enhance the customer waiting experience.

Technology Brings Seamless Communication

GH Bank head office has installed eight SMP-2200 players above and behind the staff counters. The successful deployment of digital signage helps strengthen the bond between GH Bank and its customers. GH Bank employees can now instantly communicate any information to its loyal customers, so they always stay updated on bank news and promotions that benefit them.

Real-time Queuing Updates Keep Customers Informed

By going digital with its queuing system, GH Bank head office keeps its customers in the loop about their place in line with real-time queuing updates. Customized queuing kiosks are also installed to support the queuing system and provide easy access to status updates.

Government Housing Bank Head office Modernizes Customer Experience with CAYIN Digital Signage

Live Streaming Creates an Interactive Experience
Furthermore, with digital signage, GH Bank head office can now LIVE stream a bank lottery on YouTube on the 16th of every month. This interactive activity has added a much-appreciated fun and exciting approach to banking and garnered great feedback from its branch customers.

DMaSStech Manages All Content Displays

CAYIN's long-time partner, DMaSStech, plays a vital role in the GH Bank project. The digital signage installation comes with a three-year rental plan for nationwide branches and cloud server access from DMaSStech. GH Bank's internal communications department provides content to DMaSStech, and DMaSStech manages all content and system displays.

GH Bank Leverages Digital Signage to Deliver Exceptional Customer Service

GH Bank's implementation of digital signage has had a positive impact on customer communication and experience. By using CAYIN's digital signage solution to promote news and updates, as well as streamline the queuing process, the bank has been able to improve efficiency and provide a more modern and convenient service for its customers. The success of this initiative demonstrates the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest technology in order to deliver top-notch service and meet the needs of today's tech-savvy customers.
